Our Cardiac Services provide comprehensive diagnostic and interventional cardiac care including:
• Cardiac Care Unit
• Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory
• Cardiac investigation unit (Clinical Measurement Unit)
Cardiac Care Unit (CCU)
Our eight bed Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) provides care for a variety of patients with acute and chronic heart conditions, and medical patients requiring high dependency care. This includes patients with acute coronary syndromes, heart rhythm disturbances, valvular heart disease or heart failure.
Patients in the CCU are under a dedicated cardiologist and are cared for by a team of dedicated cardiac nurses and allied health team members.
Patients in the CCU are able to access non-invasive and invasive investigation procedures, and invasive therapeutic procedures.
The CCU team works closely with the hospital’s Emergency Department to treat and provide acute care for cardiac patients. It also liaises with other local hospitals (Mater, Proserpine, Sarina, Bowen and Townsville) to provide continuity of care to cardiac patients within the Mackay region.
Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory (CCL)
The $2.5 million, state of the art Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory (CCL) provides life-saving diagnostic and interventional cardiology treatments to people with a range of heart conditions. The CCL is used for the treatment and diagnosis of coronary artery disease, cardiac structural conditions and conduction defects of the heart’s electrical system.
24/7 emergency lifesaving procedures-Primary PCI
The 24/7 emergency lifesaving procedures are provided by cardiology team to treat acute massive heart attack patients to achieve the best clinical outcome, which is the similar services provided in big cities.
Invasive Procedures performed include:
- Coronary Angiography
- Right heart catheter study
- Percutaneous coronary intervention (Stenting) procedures, including complex rotablation PCI
- Permanent Pacemaker Insertion
- Trans Oesophageal Echocardiography
- Electrical Cardioversion
- Implantable cardiac monitoring device for heart rhythm monitoring up to three years
Cardiac investigation unit (Clinical measurement Unit)
Provide Non invasive cardiac investigation procedures:
Cardiac stress testing, treadmill exercise stress test, exercise stress echocardiography and Dobutamine stress echocardiography
- Pacemaker and ICD checks.
- 1-3 days Holter ECG monitoring
- 7 day event monitors
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Cardiac Rehabilitation
The Cardiac Rehabilitation team provides both inpatient / outpatient education and exercise programs for patients with a cardiac diagnosis. Clients attending our outpatient program receive a comprehensive physical and psycho-social assessment and a personalised plan of care. The full program runs over eight weeks, but delivery of the program is deliberately flexible to encourage maximum participation. The goal of the program is to foster life-long adherence to a heart healthy lifestyle.
Heart Failure Service
The Heart Failure team provides services across the continuum of care for patients with heart failure. Included are inpatient education and support, referral to and liaison with other centres, support after discharge with reviews via clinic, telephone, videolink and home visits as well as a heart failure exercise program. Titration of heart failure medications is facilitated via clinics and telehealth support for outlying areas.