Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday residents are being urged to make backyard and camp fire safety a priority as the cooler weather sets in and school holidays approach.
In the past month, four people have been treated at Mackay Hospital and Health Service Emergency Departments for injuries and burns sustained by either backyard or camp fires.
Assistant Clinical Director Mackay Base Hospital Emergency Department Dr Bauke Hovinga said school holidays during cooler months is the ideal time for friends and families to enjoy the outdoors.
“Winter is the perfect time for camping and outdoor gatherings in our region, however it is important to remember the safety risks associated with backyard and camp fires,” Dr Hovinga said.
“It only takes minimal contact to cause a mild to very severe burn which may have long-lasting effects.
“Inhalation burns can cause major complications damaging the airways and lungs.”
Dr Hovinga said burns can be classified as superficial to full thickness.
“Superficial burns are usually mild and heal without complications,” he said.
“Full thickness burns require more specific management initially through your emergency department or local health professional. Some deep burns heal with just dressings while others require surgery.
“It makes quite a difference which part of the body is affected as joint burns can impact mobility while facial burns may impact sight and cause cosmetic issues.
“People who are severely burnt can undergo months or even years of intensive therapy and be impacted psychologically.”
Burns first aid is a vital part of treating a burn injury helping to relieve pain, decrease cell and skin damage and improve wound healing and scar formation.
“Immediately remove the person from danger and apply cool running water to the affected area for at least 20 minutes until emergency help arrives or presenting to an emergency department.”
Always check for current fire bans and follow the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services’ guide to campfire and camping safety to ensure safe practices are used to protect yourself, family and those around you from injury. https://bit.ly/31hUyQh