If you are in labour and wish to come into hospital, please ring 4885 6930 to speak with a midwife first. This allows a midwife to assess your progress and prepare for your arrival.
Have your hospital bag packed from 36 weeks and go through your birth preferences with your birthing support person and midwife.
What to bring:
for mother
- comfortable clothing – casual clothes both day and nightwear
- underwear, footwear and toiletries
- maternity sanitary pads
- current medications.
for baby
- two to three grow suits or clothes for baby to wear in hospital
- one packet of wipes
- one packet of disposable nappies (enough for two – three days)
- formula and bottles for parents choosing to bottle feed their baby.
- camera
- mobile phone
- essential oils/diffuser/Bluetooth speaker/TENs machine
- snacks.
Ways to prepare
Many women have found the techniques below help them to cope physically and emotionally through labour:
- relaxation/breathing exercises/hypnotherapy
- childbirth education – for you and your support person
- discussing any fears with a trusted maternity health professional.
Support during labour
Your support people will play an important role for you when you are in labour. Your support people will help you feel comfortable and share this experience with you. Your support people may:
- help make you physically comfortable
- offer emotional support
- provide positive encouragement
- assist you with relation and breathing techniques
- supporting your decisions, such as pain relief methods that you choose
- explaining to the doctor or midwife what you need – and the other way round – which can help you feel much more in control of the situation
- cut the umbilical cord – talk to your midwife about this.
Active birth
We encourage you to remain active during your labour and birth to help manage surges or contractions and to relax your mind and body as much as possible. This will help with the release of your body’s natural endorphins. It is important to understand the benefits, risks and alternative methods available when deciding which techniques, you wish to use.
Active birth techniques include:
- varying positions during labour such as standing, walking and/or lying on your side
- drinking fluids to prevent dehydration
- using a heat pack
- listening to music that you find calming
- having someone give you a massage
- a warm shower/bath.
Photographing or videoing of normal births is permissible at the request of the labouring mother, provided it does not interfere with the woman’s care. A photo consent form must be completed with the relevant staff on the day of your birth. Any request to cease photography or recording in the interests of providing care to the woman and her baby must be immediately met as patient safety needs and care remain our primary concern. Hospital staff should not be photographed or filmed without their specific consent.
Women are welcome to bring their partner or other support person to their birth. Due to space considerations, it is only possible to have two support people for each woman in the birth suite. Children are not permitted into the birth suite.
When to come to hospital
It is very important that you tell your healthcare providers about any problems you or your baby had in previous, labour and or post birth.
Call your midwife/birth suite or GP:
- if you are unsure what is happening to you, or if you think you are in labour
- if your waters break
- if you have any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
- if your baby is not moving as much as normal (do not wait)
- if you are experiencing uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhoea
- if you have unusual headaches and or blurred vision
- if you are experiencing urinary problems
- if you have a fever
- if you have constant itching
- if you are in labour before 37 weeks
- when contractions are too painful to cope with at home
- if you are worried about yourself or your baby.
You may be in early labour and still be able to remain home. A phone call to the hospital may reduce your anxiety and prepare staff for your arrival if necessary.
Birth Suite phone number: 4885 6930