Mackay Institute of Research and Innovation (MIRI)
The Mackay Institute of Research and Innovation (MIRI) is a research, implementation and innovation hub within the Mackay Hospital and Health Service (Mackay HHS). Our goal is to facilitate research, drive innovation and support the delivery of evidence and value-based, patient-centred care across the health service. The MIRI supports collaboration between clinicians, educators, researchers, academics and policy makers, to enable the implementation of evidence based and innovative service delivery models, to improve the health outcomes for our community.
Our aim is to improve outcomes through excellence in regional research and translation into high quality patient-centred and evidence-based care. We are a dedicated, passionate team supporting staff across the Mackay HHS in their research and innovation endeavours. Additionally, we have a strong focus on enabling consumers to access innovative treatments via clinical trials. We aim to accelerate the implementation of evidence-based care into clinical practice through a collaborative, and integrated approach.
Research Support
The Research Support Unit (RSU) aims to build the research capability of staff within the Mackay HHS by providing practical assistance, support and advice on all aspects of the research process. We support staff at any level of research capability from novice to experienced.
It is important to have an initial conversation with your clinical lead to discuss your research idea or identify whether there are any other available projects that might interest you, which you could engage with.
Once the clinical lead has given support, the Research Support Unit can assist with the following components of the research process:
- – Designing a specific research question
- – Developing a structured research proposal which encompasses all elements of the project
- – Support to write ethics applications and assistance with submission
- – Meeting local governance requirements by completing and submitting a Site-Specific Assessment form
- – Identifying grant opportunities and assistance with grant applications
- – Advice, training in and assistance with both quantitative (statistical) and qualitative data analysis
- – Publication or presentation development
- – Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) to support evidence-based healthcare and evidence-based service delivery models
Innovation and Redesign
The Innovation and Redesign Unit (IRU) aims to enhance patient, staff and organisational outcomes through the successful implementation of projects and redesign initiatives. We foster a culture of innovation, and provide practical facilitation support to achieve sustainable change across the Mackay HHS.
We support our staff by providing a consistent approach to project management, which has been developed based on evidence-based health improvement methodologies and is tailored for use within the complex context of a hospital and health service.
The unit includes a Project Management Office (PMO) function, responsible for the development, maintenance and education of standardised project tools and resources, to enhance governance and reporting capabilities. We also act as a conduit between departments, health services and external organisations and support the development of important partnerships with industry leads.
Collaborators & Partners
Clinical Excellence Queensland (CEQ)