The Moranbah and Dysart Community Reference Group was established in July 2019. The five members of the group are consumers and community members from the Moranbah, Dysart and Glendon area. Members are actively encouraged to have a voice in contributing to the development of healthcare services for their local community.
The purpose of the Moranbah and Dysart Community Reference Group is to gain perspective from consumers living and working in this regional and remote community. This community faces different barriers when accessing healthcare service as it has a very transient population which access the local health services as well as its permanent residents. With the help of this group we hope to better plan, design and deliver services that meet the needs of the people who use them.
Our Moranbah and Dysart Community Reference Group members
Amber Earl
Amber lives in Moranbah and grew up in rural and remote Queensland, in a family actively involved in community groups in rural and remote Queensland. She continues to support her community and has an interest in children’s health, particularly for babies born pre-term due to her personal experience. Amber is an active participant in her children’s kindergarten and school committees and her current work with migrant families has made her acutely aware of the social isolation experienced by women. She is also interested in support for children who are socially disadvantaged or isolated by language barriers.
Patricia Rutherford
Patricia lives in Dysart and works as a Regional Coordinator for Aged and Disability Services. She will use her role on the CAP to gain information and provide feedback on behalf of people living in more remote areas of the health service. Her local connections with Hinterland Community Care Inc means she is in touch with the needs of the local population and their service needs. She is an active supporter of people with aged a care and disability needs in Moranbah, Dysart, Middlemount, Nebo, Tieri, Glendon and Clermont.
Diana Smith
Diana is has lived in Moranbah for over 13 years and works as a community relations officer for Isaac Regional Council. She has a large stakeholder group and is well connected to the community, which she feels puts her in an ideal position to provide feedback and comment on healthcare issues.
Rene Henry
Finding local solutions to local problems is what motivates Rene to be involved in various community groups in Moranbah. He is a member of the mental health committee with a local organisation and a committee member for health & well-being group at his employment. Rene looks after his mind and body with various fitness and exercise programs, and he believes in Feng shui and the power of visualisation.