Contact details
07 4983 4001
Feedback Help us improve our services by telling us about your experience. You can submit a complaint, give a compliment or make a suggestion.
Opening hours
Open 24 hours a day
Street 24 Francis St, Clermont Qld 4721

PO Box 42, Clermont Qld 4721

Visiting hours

You can visit every day between 10 am and 7 pm.

Visiting outside of hours

If you can't get to the hospital during visiting hours, we may be able to arrange another time for you to visit. Talk to the staff in charge of the ward to see what we can do.

Read more about visiting someone in hospital.

Plan your visit

Information to help you plan your visit to Clermont Multipurpose Health Service.

Street address: 24 Francis St, Clermont Qld 4721
Use arrow keys to navigate and plus/minus keys to zoom in and out.


We have free parking at the front of the hospital, including accessible parking spaces.

Pick up and drop off

We have a pick up and drop off area at the front of the hospital.