
Firstly, congratulations! We understand how exciting it can be to prepare for and welcome a new baby into the world. We are committed to providing you and your family a high level of care, ensuring you feel safe, respected, and cared for.
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Labour and Birth

If you are in labour, have concern with your pregnancy and wish to come into hospital, please ring 4885 6930 to speak with a midwife first.
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After having your baby

While you are in hospital, our midwives will support you in learning to care for your baby. Upon your discharge from hospital our midwives will continue to provide support for you at home.
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Virtual Tour
At Mackay Base Hospital we understand how exciting it can be to prepare for and welcome a new baby into the world. We have created a virtual walkthrough of both the Birth Suite and Women’s Heath Ward to make your journey to parenthood smoother. These videos will walk you through the most important aspects of each ward and answer some of the most frequently asked questions.