Refer your patient
Refer your patient to us for emergency, specialist and outpatient care.
Access your patient's health record
Access patient health records through the Health Provider Portal or our Information Access Unit.
HealthPathways offers primary care clinicians locally agreed information to make the right decisions, together with patients, at the point of care. HealthPathways includes the Queensland Government Clinical Prioritisation Criteria.
Smart Referrals
We prefer to receive electronic referrals via GP Smart Referrals.
If you're a GP, you can use Smart Referrals with your GP software to send and track referrals to us.
Health Provider Portal
Access your patient's healthcare details in the Health Provider Portal.
We’re always looking for talented people to work in our hospital and health services across the Mackay area.
GP Liaison Unit
Contact us to set up a practice visit or training on Health Pathways, Smart Referrals and the Health Provider Portal. You can also contact us with questions or feedback about your patient's treatment at our hospitals.
Call 07 4885 7541 or email GPLOMackay@health.qld.gov.au.
Mackay Public Health Unit
We prevent, manage and control communicable disease and environmental health risks in Mackay, Whitsunday and Isaac communities. We protect and improve health through immunisation programs, managing outbreaks and lowering exposure to environmental hazards.
For advice call 07 4885 5800, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Read more about public health on the Queensland Health website.