While you are in hospital, our midwives will support you in learning to care for your baby. Upon your discharge from hospital our midwives will continue to provide support for you at home.
Care after birth
While you are in hospital, our midwives will support you in learning to care for your baby including bathing and changing a nappy. All our midwives can assist with breastfeeding. Your baby will remain with you, in a cot next to your bed, for the duration of your hospital stay.
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While you’re in hospital
Your baby will stay in your room with you 24 hours a day, unless they require care in the Special Care Nursery. This is called “rooming-in” and it helps you get to know your new baby and allows you to be responsive to your baby’s needs.
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Going home
In most cases you can expect to take your baby home between six and 48 hours following a normal vaginal delivery, or after three days following a caesarean birth. When you are ready to go home it is important to provide the staff with plenty of notice, as there are many things that have to be organised and planned prior to your discharge. All babies will have a discharge check, usually performed by a midwife, before leaving hospital.
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Your body and health after birth
There are a lot of changes that occur in a very short space of time following the birth of a baby, and it is important to consider the types of support you may need.
The type of support needed is different for everyone but could include having someone at home to help with meals, washing or helping out with other children. It is important not to be afraid to ask for help.
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Special Care Nursery
Mackay Base Hospital is equipped to care for unwell and preterm babies from 32 weeks gestation. If your baby is born younger than 32 weeks or is too unwell to be cared for at Mackay they will be transferred to Townsville Hospital, and transferred back when they are well enough in preparation to go home with you.