Our structure
We're an independent statutory body governed by a board. Our board has independent non-executive members.
Our board reports to Queensland’s Minister for Health who monitors our performance through Service Agreements and provides state funding for our public health services.
Learn how we work with Queensland Health on their website.
Executive leadership roles and responsibilities
Our executive team oversee our hospitals and health services.
Download our organisational chart [PDF 936.16 KB] to learn more about our structure. You can read a summary of our executive leadership roles and responsibilities below.
Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery
- Consumer feedback
- Clinical excellence (patient safety)
- Credentialing for advanced practice midwives, nurse practitioners, rural and isolated practice nurses, sexual assault nurse examiners
- Non-clinical education
- Nursing education and resources
- Patient experience
- Professional nursing and midwifery oversight for registration and nursing workforce
- Planning
- Safety, quality and governance unit
Chief Medical Officer
- GP liaison service (integrated health)
- Innovation and redesign unit
- Mackay institute of research and innovation
- Medical education and training
- Professional medical services oversight
- Patient safety
- credentialing
- medical workforce planning
Executive Director Allied Health
- Allied health services
- Clinical measurement
- Community based support services
- Oral health
- Pharmacy
- Professional allied health services oversight
- Allied health workforce planning
- Credentialing
- Radiology (medical imaging)
Executive Director People and Culture
- Human resources
- Organisational development
- Workplace health and safety
- Workforce recruitment
Executive Director Public Health and Rural Services
- Public health
- Rural facilities
- Bowen
- Cannonvale
- Clermont
- Collinsville
- Dysart and Middlemount
- Glenden
- Moranbah
- Proserpine
- Sarina
Executive Director Operations Mackay
- Business administration support services
- Medical and critical care
- Perioperative and ambulatory care
- Patient flow and access services
- Women's health and children's services
- Mental health alcohol and drug services
Executive Director Corporate Services and Chief Finance Officer
- Building, engineering and maintenance services
- Digital and information services (chief information officer)
- Digital health solutions
- Health information services
- Informatics and insights
- Information and communication technology
- Financial accounting
- Infrastructure delivery
- Performance analysis and reporting
- Procurement, contracts and supply
- Supply services
- Procurement and contracts
- Strategic finance
- Support services
Executive Director Strategy and Governance
- Board secretary and governance
- Emergency planning and response
- Executive office management
- Internal audit
- Legal
- Media and communications
- Risk and fraud governance
- Strategy and planning
Executive Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Community Engagement
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health unit
- Consumer and community engagement
- Independent patient rights