Our 2022 Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) identified the most important health and service needs of our population.

These needs were identified based on:

  • what our patients, community, health partners, and staff told us
  • a review of our population health status, health risk factors, and health service use.

Health care priorities

Our LANA identified the following 15 priority health needs.

  1. GP services
  2. Mental health
  3. Enhanced palliative care
  4. Child and youth health
  5. Alcohol, other drug and addiction services
  6. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
  7. Allied health services
  8. Older persons care
  9. Chronic health needs
  10. Specialist services
  11. Health education and prevention needs
  12. Disability diagnosis and treatment
  13. Community health and diagnostic services
  14. Women’s and maternity services
  15. Infectious diseases

Read our Local Area Needs Assessment Summary Report [PDF 13203.03 KB] to learn more.