Our 2022 Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) identified the most important health and service needs of our population.
These needs were identified based on:
- what our patients, community, health partners, and staff told us
- a review of our population health status, health risk factors, and health service use.
Health care priorities
Our LANA identified the following 15 priority health needs.
- GP services
- Mental health
- Enhanced palliative care
- Child and youth health
- Alcohol, other drug and addiction services
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- Allied health services
- Older persons care
- Chronic health needs
- Specialist services
- Health education and prevention needs
- Disability diagnosis and treatment
- Community health and diagnostic services
- Women’s and maternity services
- Infectious diseases
Read our Local Area Needs Assessment Summary Report [PDF 13203.03 KB] to learn more.