Australia has one of the highest incident rates of bowel cancer in the world, with one in 23 people likely to be diagnosed during their lifetime.
Queensland Health’s Endoscopy Action Plan is designed to meet the growing demand for gastrointestinal endoscopies and a key initiative is Rural Generalist endoscopy training.
The training program, coordinated by Queensland Health’s Clinical Excellence Queensland Division, is conducted over 12 months in a combination of tertiary and rural health service settings.
By the end of the program, Rural Generalists will be able to perform endoscopies in their local communities.
This will reduce the need for patients to travel and greatly enhance the care provided to Queenslanders living in rural and remote areas.
Dr Derek Holroyd and Dr Jen Wharton (pictured) are currently completing the program and are looking forward to providing endoscopy services in their respective communities of Prosperine and the Torres Strait.
Working with other Rural Generalists to ensure patients can access essential care close to home and family is fundamental to the success of the new local service.